Mark your calendars for the best ever BattenKill Fly Fishing Festival!
May 1, 2025 to May 4, 2025
Buy Your Tickets Now!

The Battenkill Fly Fishing Festival's mission is to promote the conservation and stewardship of our treasured Battenkill watershed. Funds raised from the weekend will support the Arlington Common in its mission to be a community hub that enhances and strengthens the Arlington area through creativity, wellness, culture, and education. A portion of funds raised from the festival will be directed to organizations whose missions support conservation, sustainability and accountability among the various Battenkill user groups.
The Arlington Common is an initiative created by the Arlington Arts Enrichment Program, a nonprofit dedicated to enhancing our community through creative exploration of the arts and wellness. This multi-generational center was created by the people, for the people, in an effort to embrace the beauty of living in the shires of Vermont.

Have a question or looking to participate in this year’s festival? Please fill out the following form and we will respond soon!